Response Design Corporation:Creating the Uncommon Call Center
Kathryn's Uncommon Call Center Blog
May 1, 2006 12:00 AM
Categories: Employee Turnover 
Decrease turnover through internal marketing

When Response Design and the APQC partnered to study the customer-centric organization, we discovered an amazing correlation: as contact centers increase active, internal marketing programs to communicate the value of contact centers throughout the organization, they experienced a commensurate decrease in negative annual agent turnover. (Negative turnover is when an agent leaves the organization - no matter what the reason. Positive turnover is when an agent leaves their position for another position within the organization - promotion or lateral move.)

These high performing companies actively engage in marketing the contact center to the rest of the organization. My guess is that the process causes agents take increased pride in their work and the pride translates to loyalty. Hence turnover is decreased. What an “easy” and relatively inexpensive way to improve retention!

Entry logged at 12:00 AM

Good facts to know for I own a call center myself. My outsourcing company provides voice, chat, email or back-office support.

Posted by: Webmaster111 [TypeKey Profile Page] at May 2, 2006 07:20 AM
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