Response Design Corporation:Creating the Uncommon Call Center
Kathryn's Uncommon Call Center Blog
May 19, 2006 02:04 PM
Categories: Measurement 
Using a "dose of reality" report

I smile each time I think about a recent conversation I had with a contact center professional. As we talked about how the next generation contact center would be defined, he told me about his innovative "DOOR" (dose of reality) report. I would like to thank Linksys for allowing me to share this concept; I think it should be a staple in all contact centers.

The director of the Linksys centers personally pioneered the process about two months prior to rolling it out to his management team. Now that he is convinced of the idea’s value, he asks each member of the management team to monitor a minimum of two calls per week every week. The team discusses specific customer issues illuminated by the calls at the director’s weekly staff meeting. The team communicates the issues to the appropriate TAC (technical assistance center) sites, and then tracks the resolve. If the customer’s issue is not resolved, the management team notifies the contact center’s internal escalation team to follow up.

The team searches the DOORs not only for customer-specific issues, but also for trends. Identifying the trends allows it to develop and assign corrective actions. The director reviews progress against these actions, also in his weekly staff meeting.

The director believes the process helps sensitize managers to the issues their customers face every day. The understanding creates a greater sense of urgency that drives improvements in overall performance and keeps the team focused on real issues.

Lynksys is now implementing an automated reporting process so it can expand DOORs to the entire executive management team. One team member is creative in how he approaches his monitoring assessment. He converts the sound files and downloads them to his mobile audio player. He listens to the calls during his commute to and from the office. His only caution to other DOOR participants is that sometimes he finds himself trying to talk to the technician to make suggestions while driving. He becomes fairly wrapped up in the process and forgets it’s not “live.” Lynksys doesn’t want to cause any accidents!

What innovative “next generation” procedures has your contact center team adopted?

Entry logged at 02:04 PM
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